Logo Address for All
Logo Address for All


The Geo-social Technologies AddressForAll Institute aims to advocate for open data and social improvement through the good use of technology with an emphasis on geo-spatial technologies



As part of their work supporting the collaborative map project OpenStreetMap, for 3 years the founders of the Institute tried to motivate the Brazilian government to create an open and collaborative address database in Brazil. Seeing that the project did not go beyond ideation due to lack of political will or strength, Thierry Jean, Filipe Rocha and Peter Krauss decided to launch the "AddressForAll" project in 2020 and created a non-profit association called "Geo-Social Technologies AddressForAll Institute".


  • Thierry Jean

    Thierry Jean

  • Filipe Rocha

    Filipe Rocha

  • Peter Krauss

    Peter Krauss

Advisory Board

  • Roberto Olinto

    Roberto Olinto

  • Silvana Camboin

    Silvana Camboin

  • Luis Ugeda

    Luis Ugeda

  • Eduardo Francisco

    Eduardo Francisco

  • Clodoveu Davis

    Clodoveu Davis

  • Karla Borges

    Karla Borges

  • Jérôme Desboeufs

    Jérôme Desboeufs

  • Rafael Siqueira

    Rafael Siqueira

  • Wille Marcel

    Wille Marcel


  • Batista Echevarría

    Batista Echevarría

  • Carlos Rebollo

    Carlos Rebollo

  • Claiton Neisse

  • Junior Manoel

    Junior Manoel

  • Luis Felipe

    Luis Felipe

  • Gabriel Machado

    Gabriel Machado

  • Christian Bonilla

    Christian Bonilla

  • Fredy Rivera

    Fredy Rivera

  • Igor Eliezer

    Igor Eliezer

  • María Alejandra

    María Alejandra

  • Oreana Florez

    Oreana Florez



On the link below you can see an abridged version of our bylaws, as well as access the various versions of our bylaws in full text.

Av Paulista, 171, 4º andar, São Paulo, SP, 01311-904, Brasil.

Tel: +55 11 4063-6401


Who we are

ObjectiveHistoryFoundersAdvisory BoardTeamBylaw